The Vascular Surgery Clinic covers the entire spectrum of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures using all invasive, non-invasive and minimally invasive methods of modern medicine. The expertise of this high-tech department includes comprehensive operative and endovascular treatment of the following vascular pathologies:
- Peripheral stenoses and occlusions of feeder vessels;
- Aneurysms and dilatations of the aorta and peripheral vessels;
- Treatment and prevention of cerebrovascular diseases;
- Emergency vascular conditions: emboli, thromboses, trauma, lacerations and other injuries;
- Disorders of blood supply to the kidneys and other abdominal organs;
- Varicose veins and venous thromboses;
- Tumors and malformations related to the vessels (hemangiomas, congenital fistulas, anatomical compression of the vessels);
- Establish permanent access for hemodialysis.